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LGfit on Diet v Exercise

Before I go any further I want to make it clear that when I refer to the word 'diet' I mean food consumed or nutritional daily intake. I do NOT mean food restriction!!

This very simple fact is probably the number one reason why people exercise their buts off yet don't get the results that match their perceived effort. We all know this these days though don't we? Yet still, the same behavioural patterns are repeated day in and day out. Banging your head against a brick wall is on par with sweating your ass off in the gym and eating a load of sh*t when it comes to getting results! STOP!

Is the picture on the left a familiar scenario in your head? You can do a LOT more damage in 5 minutes of eating than you can make progress in 5 minutes of exercising. If you have no desire to change the way you look or feel then bash on. I'm not writing this to critise anybody's choices. I'm writing it to help those of you who want to make changes, feel you're already trying, yet are getting nowhere. Always remember that if you want something different you have to do something differently.

It's fair to say, that for most, exercising is easier than keeping your diet on track. And it's also easy to exercise more in an attempt to kid yourself on that it will counteract the effects of a bad diet. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee folks!! Calories DO matter whether they come for 1000 calories of 'junk' food or 1000 calories of 'clean' food. (Although I've yet to understand what 'clean' food actually is!) A surplus is a surplus! To put this in perspective the average person may exercise for around 5 hours per week. That same person probably spends around 5 hours per day thinking about and planning the food they eat....that 35 hours per week. So why on earth would we think that 5 hours per week of hard exercise could ever balance out 35 hours per week of bad diet??? Because of the power of DENIAL thats why.

There's a whole other side of diet v exercise that I've not touched on, and that is fuelling your body for exercise and your goals, but that's for another day. For now I just want to get you thinking a little more about.......Why do you exercise? What outcomes do you want? Are you focussing on the right part of your desired outcome? Do you have a clue what you should be eating and when? Are you getting the results you desire? Are you in denial?

For online coaching or personal training enquiries please complete the contact file or email me on

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