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Effort = Reward

This is one of my favourite sayings and I use it regularly. There's no catch. It's as simple as it sounds. However, people still search for an easier option. Good things have to be earned whether it be the standard of living you choose, your career or your physique.

When it comes to making changes to your body effort is crucial, as is consistency and patience. Liken it to baking a cake......if you don't use the correct ingredients and baking time the cake won't be a success. And why wouldn't you bake the cake properly? Bit of a pointless exercise otherwise. If you decide to make changes to your physique, whether it be to reduce body fat or build lean tissue, you must understand that results take time. I don't mean a week, a month or even 6 months because everyone responds differently to training and dieting. If you accept this then the results will come and you'll save yourself the huge disappointment you get from unrealistic expectations. Your results may come quick to begin with then platue out for a while. They may be slow and steady all the way. Or you might see no change for ages then get a surge of progress. The main thing to remember is they won't come if you give up. I advise my clients to focus on nailing their training and nutrition every day as inevitably this is what leads to results. Focusing on getting results doesn't get you results. Results come from what you do consistently day after day after day. The more effort you put in the bigger the reward.

Ask yourself how many times you've chased the quick fix and how many times you've ended up back where you started or worse! I've been there many times and its demoralising. Now I play the long game and the results have been amazing. I'm maintaining my weight while eating more food than ever before. I'm making fantastic changes to my physique and my mind is staying healthy and balanced throughout the process. I don't actually give a shit what I weigh as that number has no influence in how I see myself or how others see me. It doesn't represent my body composition so why would I be daft enough to use it as a measure of progress. I know that if I do what my coach says then I'll get results. The harder I work at it the better the results will be. I want results so there's no room for pathetic excuses. Walk the walk as talk is cheap! If you want results then work for them.

For online coaching please complete the enquiry section on the contact me page or email me at

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