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Fat Loss Tips

Soooooooooooooo.......where to start?? Oh I know, with the facts that have been proven time and time again and don't promote a brand or product!!!! ; )

This topic is a conversation I feel like I have several times every day with clients or in general chit chat with people. For that reason it seemed like an appropriate subject to simplify for you.

1. Create a sensible calorie deficit. If energy intake is less than energy ouput then the body must turn to its' own energy stores for daily functioning. In simple terms we must eat less and burn more........7 days a week! There's little point in sticking to the plan during the week, then eating/drinking to excess at the weekend and putting your body back into a calorie surplus!!

The key is in creating a deficit that results in burning stored bodyfat, and doesn't cause it to break down/burn it's own muscle. Why? Is all weight loss not equal? NO!!!! Muscle is a highly metabolic tissue so the more of it you have the more calories you burn all day and all night, even at rest. The less muscle you have the less calories you burn. If you don't maintain muscle mass while dieting then your metabolism will continue to slow down. This results in you having to eat even less to loose weight until the point that you're practically starving yet can't shift the lbs. So it now becomes pretty obvious why we should preserve it. I certainly wouldn't be proud of my weight loss if it was indeed largely muscle loss!

2. Train with heavy weights. We've already clarified why maintaining muscle mass is so important when dieting. To further prevent loss of this valuable metabolic tissue we must build more of it. Stressing your body by lifting heavy weights will make your body realise that it needs to grow in order to keep up with your little journey. Now won't turn in to Arny no matter how heavy you manage to lift! You're not designed to be like that so unless you pump your body full of male hormones it ain't gonna happen.

Lean, shapely physiques must be built by lifting weights. Nice butts are NOT the product of a diet. They are the product of lots of hard graft squatting, lunging etc to build the muscle that gives your ass its shape. So peachy butts must be earned by training hard, not dieting! A further benefit is that resistanance training has the affect of keeping your metabolism elevated for a period of time after you cease activity. So you build more metabolic tissue while you train, and that tissue remains at an elevated metabolic rate while you're sitting on that peachy butt afterwards. Reeeeesult!

3. Sleep/rest. It may surprise you to know that these are in fact not the same. Sleep is essential in order for your body to repair. Lack of sleep can result in increased huger, poor food choices, lack of recovery, a negative mindset, grogginess, inability to motivate yourself, lack of energy to train hard, increased stress levels.....the list is endless. Get your zzzzzzz's!

Rest days are when your muscle grows. When you train you actively tear down muscle fibres, thats why it hurst! If it doesn't hurt a little then you're wasting your time. When you rest, and adequate nutrition is in place, your muscles repair by laying down more muscle fibres and get stronger/bigger. Again.....we're not talking Arny style!! So don't skip rest days. If you don't feel you need your rest days then I'd argue that you're not training properly!

4. Cardio. Now this is the bit that so many people get wrong. Yes it contributes to a calorie deficit but that's basically the only benefit in relation to fat loss. It's the last tool in the box and your fat loss journey will never be a success unless you get to grips with that. If you don't nail points 1, 2 and 3 above then cardio alone will not get you results. It will delude you into thinking you'll get results because you get a sweat on. That's all I have to say about cardio and fat loss as I consider it to be relatively insignificant and lowest on the list of priorities.

This list is by far just the tip of the iceberg. There's so many more important factors to consider but by nailing ALL of these ones, and in this order, you'll be well on your way. For more info or for support with your fitness/body composition goals please fill out the contact section and I'll be in touch asap. : )

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