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Motivation V Discipline. They are a team!

Motivation is the "Why behind the goal"

Discipline is the "Ability to correct behaviour for self improvement"

I’ve had several conversations lately that ‘motivated’ me to write this.

When you set yourself a goal you begin a journey and you'll travel through various stages along the way. The ones fuelled by motivation and focus are easy. Don't be fooled into thinking you're smashing this part. This part is basically presenting minimal challenge and your course through it is seemingly effortless. Then you hit the part that is motivation and focus free. What do you do? Do you decide you're not cut out for it as it's suddenly become difficult? Do you feel sorry for yourself and seek short term gratification? Do you decide you'll start again next week? Or do you do what you know needs to be done?

Motivation isn't something that's always readily available so don't be fooled into thinking otherwise. Motivation makes it easier. Motivation is a blessing. If you only plan on smashing your goals when motivation is present then you're likely to fail. Choose discipline. Earn the reward of reaching your destination as reward is exactly what it's not an entitlement.

The key to success lies in making discipline actionable. Where there’s a will, there’s a way and all that! It’s easy to do what you’re motivated for. It’s not easy to do what you’re not motivated for. How do you transition to the right behaviours? This should get you started!

  1. What’s the right thing for you? Get clarity on what the right things for you to do are. You can’t be disciplined or correct a situation if you don’t know what to change to.

  2. Treat motivations as input. What does your mind want, what do your emotions want? What does your body want?

  3. Decide up front. This is the key. Decide on your behaviors before hand. Once you’re in the thick of things, it’s easier to react than respond. You can respond more effectively if you committed to a decision.

  4. Ask yourself questions. Get in the habit of asking yourself “what do you want to do?” and “what’s the right thing do to?” What you want to do is your motivation, what’s right for you will take discipline.

  5. Make motivation work for you. Discipline lights up your way, but motivation is your fuel.  Progressively shape your thinking, feeling, and doing until it’s a habit. You can start a question or thought at a time. Remember that your thoughts change your feelings.

  6. Link it to good feelings. Remember to link things to good feelings for the long run. This can be as simple as changing how you think about something or internalizing how you value something. Acknowledge and reward your good decisions and actions.

Don’t be a slave to your motivations. Free yourself up through discipline and use discipline and motivation together to realise your potential and bring out your best!

For online coaching enquiries please fill out the contact section on my website or email

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