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Are your body and mind on the same team?

Before I go any further I want to make it clear that I'm no mind guru or brain expert! I am however fascinated by how the mind works and like to learn and experiment with my findings.

Picture the scene........I woke up at 6.20am today. It's my day off. I'm still pretty tiered, my body is sore, I'm really cosy and comfy and Chris is snuggled up next to me after working nightshift while the sun shines through the corner of the blinds. I've technically got no time restraints today so could quite easily doze for a few more hours. However, that is not inline with my current goal to get shredded! So, as I do a lot just now, I asked myself what would my future self thank me for? The answer? Get up, make the most of a gorgeous morning and take Millie out for a long walk.

My coach regularly emphasises that he wants me to stand on the stage on show day and know that I've done everything I possibly could to be the very best version of me on the day. And I wholeheartedly agree with him. So I've decided to reverse that process. Everything I do must be what the best version of me will look back on in 10 weeks time and be thankful for. When I made this decision a switch flicked and everything became a whole lot easier. Why? Because it's all my choice. Nobody is making me do anything. Nobody wants me to get shredded more than I do. I'm the only person who will benefit from my choices over the next 10 weeks.

I had a session with a life coach recently which I do from time to time. We did some NLP and the benefits have shocked me. I learned how my language impacted on my thoughts and subsequently my actions. I no longer say 'I have to' do things, I've replaced that with "I want to'. I no longer say 'if', I now say 'when'! These simple little strategies have had a huge positive impact already and I know they'll help me on my journey. So why wouldn't I use them? That would be silly!

I'm not implying that you should read this and suddenly change the way you look at things. I am implying that if you want to reach your goal as much as you say you do then you have the power within you to try. I've always been a 'live for the moment' girl and in many respects I always will be. What has changed though is I'm now aware of how I can influence the moment I'm living in in retrospect.

Have a great Easter weekend and remember that what you do now can't be undone. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. For online coaching enquiries email me at or fill out the 'contact me' section on my website. : )

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