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Perception v Reality

'It's easy for you though, you're already bla bla bla bla!' This is something I hear a lot whether it be my clients saying this about me or about other people who they perceive to be effortlessly smashing their goals. Geez even I've made this mistake and still do with those that I look up to.

It all comes done to perception though and the reality is often very different. With yesterday being Word Mental Health Day I feel inspired to write a wee blog on this topic. I believe that by being honest about my own struggles/challenges I can help others tackle theirs.

We all have our daily struggles and I'll start off by going into mine. (Please note that this is NOT a sympathy post in any way shape or form!!!!! hahaha ) The aim here is to demonstrate that obstacles can be overcome if you want them to be. If everyone better understood what the bumpy road of progress looked like then maybe more people would take the journey.

My biggest obstacle is being a type 1 Diabetic, which is the insulin controlled one for those that don't know. Basically my pancreas doesn't produce insulin and I have to administer it through an injection several times a day. In the grand scheme of ailments it could be waaaaaay worse. But it's still a pain in the arse and has a huge impact on my energy levels, health and mood on a daily basis. Even after 12 years I've still not managed to find a way of managing it so that I feel good. Thats something I'm currently working on as the long term implications of poor control on my health are life threatening and irreversible, I have a very physical lifestyle and like to set myself challenges that are not made any easier by being diabetic, but even without diabetes I'd still do the same.

A few years ago I decided to run a marathon. I'm not a natural runner by the way.......actually I hate running!!! The training was brutal, my blood sugar levels were all over the place, I felt destroyed, but I did it. And I wouldn't describe myself as having that focussed, driven mindset that some people appear to have. I nearly gave up a million times, I cried and I seriously doubted myself, but somehow I made it to race day and absolutely loved the experience. I believe I had the bare minimum in tools available to me but I worked with what I had. Now to those looking in they probably just saw a determined, focussed, fit and healthy woman who just gets shit done. Wrong!!!!!

Then there's the whole bodybuilding competition malarky that I'm still currently plodding on with. I described myself as plodding on the other day and my client looked at me and said "you've never plodded a day in your life" To me I very much think I do but to at least one other person I don't. Perception!!

I love weight training and always have so that side of competing is actually pretty easy for me. I'm not convinced I get the best out of training when my blood sugars are erratic but that's work in progress. I'm very active anyway regardless of whether I'm dieting or not so again that's all good. I eat a pretty healthy diet and I'd say I have a healthy relationship with food which includes a love for cookies, cakes and prosecco. The down side is when I say I get really tired I mean really tired. I'd describe it as feeling like a Dyson hoover has sucked the life out of me and even putting one foot in front of another is an effort. Far fetched? No actually, that's one of the joys of being diabetic and it's very real. When I get unwell it can last much longer and escalate pretty quickly. My recovery is shit! I have such a fear of this happening that I often avoid planning social situations that mean I won't get to bed early. And my friends will vouch that I'm often asleep on their couch by 9pm when I do visit. My friends are the best though and even provide me with my own cosy blanket!!! Put this into a 'prep' scenario and it all gets rather tricky. However it's tricky for everyone. Everyone faces obstacles and overcoming these obstacles is part of the triumph. I stand by my words when I tell clients that the journey is the accomplishment, the destination is a bi product.

This blog has turned out to be more about my own experiences than I'd intended but I think my message is clear. How you perceive a person/situation to be is often so far removed from the reality. If you're basing your own goals, or lack of, on what you think you lack in comparison to other then STOP! This will only destroy your own confidence and self belief which for most of us doesn't take much doing in the first place. People slowly seem to be realising that what they see on social media isn't actually all that real. Real life is no different. The reality is that we have the power to see, believe, and respond however we want to. The body achieves what the mind believes, so help yourself to help yourself. Whether your obstacle is physical, mental, financial, or time related, you CAN negotiate it.

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